A message from Dr. Gannon and Dr. Kavalek
Welcome to Blue Ocean Health! We truly appreciate that you have taken the time to explore our practice and the ways in which we can help you.
Our journey in medicine first began in medical school where we discovered our shared passions for exercise and nutrition. We chose to become family medicine physicians for many reasons. Apart from being drawn to the intellectual aspects of various fields in medicine, we appreciate the continuity of caring for individuals over a lifetime. We enjoy treating the entire patient; not just a number, body part or disease. We are committed to integrating our medical knowledge with our passions for nutrition and exercise to provide our patients the highest quality medical care a physician can provide.
At Blue Ocean Health, we believe good medicine is time dependent. Medicine is both an art and a science. It is important the patient have adequate time to convey their concerns and explain their symptoms. It is equally important the physician have adequate time to evaluate the patient, arrive at a proper diagnosis, prescribe the correct treatment, and answer all questions. Unfortunately, this idealized version of practicing medicine is not always feasible. The current healthcare system emphasizes volume, forcing physicians to see as many patients as possible and to meet unrealistic and arbitrary metrics. This results in superficial relationships, unsatisfied patients, physician burnout, and ultimately, subpar medical care.
Fortunately, we met an inspiring group of physicians who believed in the same principles we do. These physicians practice Direct Primary Care, a new model of healthcare delivery that focuses on the value of medical care provided rather than the volume of care provided. We recognized the tremendous benefits this model offers to both patients and physicians. And thus, Blue Ocean Health was born!
We hope you explore our site to learn more about Blue Ocean Health. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!