What is the average appointment time in a direct primary care (DPC) clinic?

3 min read

30-60 minutes

The average appointment time in a Direct Primary Care (DPC) clinic tends to be longer than in traditional fee-for-service primary care settings. While the specific appointment duration can vary between DPC practices, one of the key advantages of the DPC model is the emphasis on unhurried, patient-centered care. Here are some general characteristics of appointment times in DPC clinics:

  1. Extended Appointments: DPC appointments are typically longer, often ranging from 30 minutes to an hour or more. This extended time allows for thorough discussions about your health concerns, preventive care, and lifestyle factors that may impact your well-being.

  2. No Rush: Unlike traditional primary care, where physicians may need to see a high volume of patients to meet revenue targets, DPC physicians can take their time with each patient. This means there's less pressure to rush through appointments.

  3. Comprehensive Care: The longer appointment times in DPC clinics allow for more comprehensive care. Physicians can delve into your medical history, discuss multiple health issues, and develop personalized treatment plans during a single visit.

  4. Focus on Preventive Care: DPC places a strong emphasis on preventive care and wellness. Longer appointment times facilitate discussions about lifestyle factors, diet, exercise, and other preventive measures that can help you maintain good health.

  5. Strong Doctor-Patient Relationship: The extended appointment times also contribute to building a stronger doctor-patient relationship. Patients often feel more comfortable discussing their health concerns in detail, leading to better communication and trust.

  6. Reduced Wait Times: Due to the longer appointment slots and fewer patients in the DPC model, you're less likely to experience long wait times in the clinic. Appointments are often available on the same day or within a day or two.

It's important to note that the exact duration of appointments may vary from one DPC clinic to another, as each practice may have its own scheduling policies and patient load. Some DPC practices may offer shorter appointments for more routine matters and longer appointments for more complex health issues, ensuring that each patient's needs are met effectively.

Overall, the extended appointment times in DPC clinics aim to provide a higher quality of care, foster better doctor-patient relationships, and prioritize preventive medicine, making it a compelling choice for individuals seeking more personalized and patient-focused healthcare.

-Dr. Kavalek and Dr. Gannon

Blue Ocean Health Direct Primary Care clinic

“Medicine done right, not rushed.”


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